
Fernand Antoine Baul

Filipino Hospitality Professional and Passionate in Photographing things of the world.

Fernand Baul was born and raised in Philippines, and has been based in KSA since 2011. A graduate from University of Perpetual Help System Dalta with BS International Hospitality Management, He uses Photography as a way of capturing moments and envision photographic ideas that creates a memorable throwback. Through joining different photography clubs and meeting photographers of the world for adopting new techniques, details, attention to lighting and composition, He is always looking for a new and creative ways to bring uniqueness into his Photography.


Full Name: Fernand Antoine Baul
Profession: Photographer
Nationality: Filipino
Instagram: f.baul_fotografia
Facebook: fernandantoinebaul
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Eventually, I started taking portraits of people, landscape and became fascinated with being able to capture more than just a photo, but something that gave off a feeling and a vibe, captured the essence of a moment. My photos went noticeable as I shared my work and started shooting more and more, working for different companies and taking little shoots, eventually leading me to starting my own photography.

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